FAQ - Financial Advisors

You have questions? We have answers!
Here are the most frequently asked questions by financial advisors. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
For all your inquiries and follow-ups, contact us at: 514-524-4900 / 1-844-524-4900 / info@opconotaires.com
Members have the freedom to choose their preferred notary. If their chosen notary is not already a part of the COOP, we’ll guide them through the process of joining. However, it’s worth noting that most members typically rely on recommendations from their financial advisor rather than having a specific notary preference.
If the preferred notary is not a member of the COOP and not interested in joining, we will reach out to your client with an alternative. If they still prefer to work with their chosen notary, we will coordinate with your Caisse to transfer the file accordingly.
Specify “Cooperative de Notaires du Québec” as the notary choice in AFH. If your client prefers a specific notary, enter the notary’s name in the “MEMBER’S NOTARY” section. The COOP will contact the notary to invite them to join if they are not already a member.
Our refinancing program is designed for single-family properties, condominiums, vacant lots, and multi-unit dwellings with six units or fewer. Additionally, the COOP can facilitate property transfers between Desjardins members.
The COOP will send an invoice to the Caisse via email when disbursement is required. Regardless of whether the payment responsibility falls on the Caisse or the member, it’s the Caisse’s responsibility to make the payment on behalf of its member. A simple click on the payment request email link is all it takes for you to confirm the payment of the owed amounts.
Upon sending the payment request to the Caisse, the COOP will also promptly forward a copy of the invoice to your client.
The Cooperative will manage discharges similar to a notary office, by requesting account statements from the previous creditor and through Telus. The Cooperative is committed to handling the reimbursement and publication of discharges.
The COOP simplifies the work of financial advisors by managing the notary relationship, providing consistency in file processing, and often offering faster handling. Furthermore, the Cooperative provides clients with remote service through technological means at no additional cost, allowing us to offer a convenient and quicker service! Fees and charges are the same for all Caisses.
- Member dividends are part of the cooperative model.
- A cooperative is an economic model that must be profitable.
- A cooperative operates for the benefit of its members.
- The profits generated by the activities of the cooperative are distributed in the form of dividends, the equivalent of a dividend to shareholders.
- Member dividends are voted on at a general assembly where each member is entitled to one vote.
- Member notaries receive the decided amount (voted dividend) at the annual general assembly.
- The Cooperative of Notaries in Quebec, is exclusively managed by notaries.
- Notaries on the Board of Directors are appointed in a general assembly for a term of 3 years.
- The COOP has a General Manager, under whom the entire employee structure is defined.
- All employees are trained and specialized to perform the work of the Cooperative.
- Notaries, paralegals, assistants, receptionists, managers, HR specialists, accountants, customer service personnel, marketing and advertising professionals, sales representatives, and IT technicians and programmers are employed by the COOP.
- New personnel are regularly added to the team.
You can contact the COOP either through the notes tab in Telus or by accessing the Contact-us section on this website.